I like to argue and debate politics (doy!) and usually that means that I pick a side based on my...
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Blogotube Quote Of The Week
TRex! Well, gang, this primary is starting to remind me of when I was ten and my parents were...
Morning Awesome
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Excellent point raised by Olbermann tonight: If experience in the Senate is the litmus test for who...
Comment Problems
I've heard that TypeKey is causing some browsers to crash. Is anyone experiencing this? I'm using...
Senator Obama Wins Texas
According to the current delegate math, Senator Obama could win Texas by around 3 delegates. More...
Harold Ickes apparently floated the idea that the pledged delegates can legally switch candidates...
When Did She Become a Republican?
Aravosis documents Senator Clinton's continued and repeated endorsements of Senator McCain over...
Senator Clinton And Staying In
I don't particularly care whether Senator Clinton stays in the race or bows out on a high note. The...
Texas And Ohio
Congratulations to Senator Clinton. The fear mongering appears to have worked and she netted four...