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Liveblogging The Texinnati Primary
I'm liveblogging tonight for the Huffington Post. And I just made up "Texinnati". Share this:Click...
Now It's Propaganda
Senator Clinton is getting into the Bush White House "fake news story" business: Her new radio ad...
Senator Clinton Endorses Senator McCain
"I think that I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. Senator John...
Morning Awesome
I'm not giving in to security under pressure I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure I'm...
That Ringing Phone?
Hardball just counted the number of rings in the 3AM commercial. 6 rings. My voicemail usually...
Fear Mongering Gambit
So let's say Senator Clinton wins both Texas and Ohio tomorrow. And let's say she pulls off a...
Shame On You, Senator Clinton
Fear mongering appears to be working for Senator Clinton. And why wouldn't it? Mark Penn says that...
Why Pilots Aren't Paid Enough
Holy frijoles! A first year pilot earns as little as $26,000 per year. And yet they can handle this...
"As Far As I Know"
I'm presently writing the chapter titled "Glenn Beck Has An Unfortunate Name" (preorder the book...