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With Experience Like This…
...who needs fuck ups? Hope08 over at DailyKos has a crackerjack diary where she points out how...
Today's Meet the Press
Paddy: Would it kill them to have some "campaign advisors" under the age of 120 every once in a...
Morning Awesome
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Rachel Sklar and Carlin
There's a must-read Rachel Sklar interview with George Carlin over here. I'm just about to sit down...
Stranahan Makes Funny Videos
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Truth In Advertising
(h/t Drunk Cyclist) Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
President Clinton's Law Of Politics
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Morning Awesome
Justin Lee-Collins' exuberance will make you want to watch all seven parts. I did. And happy...
Is It January 2009 Yet?
President Bush on Senator Obama's plan to use, you know, diplomacy: It will send a discouraging...