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Senator Clinton: Fear Monger
Oh brother. This is ridiculous and awful. The only thing it's missing are the goddamn wolves. Vote...
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Ratings Gold
Who would've guessed that a an MSNBC Democratic debate would be the second most watched show on...
Racist McCain Republicans
We need to repeat this headline over and over again. Because this is how the Republicans are going...
Morning Awesome
The Tarleks, by Rheostatics Happy birthday to Frank Bonner, TV's Herb Tarlek from one of the...
New Huffington Post Item
Read it here if you wanna. I wrote a more detailed item about Tim Russert's questions about Louis...
The Debate
Okay, so just as we've witnessed this past decade, "fairness" doesn't mean attacking "both sides"...
50 Years
President Bush: I believe 50 years from now, people will look back at this period of time, and say...
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