A wingnut named Bill Cunningham went batshit today, then Senator McCain (credit where credit is...
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Sporadic Blogging
Sorry about the light blogging this week. I'm animating what's called an "animatic" or "pre...
Predictions! George Dubbie Dubya!
Yesterday: AP -- President Bush predicted Monday that voters will replace him with a Republican...
The Six (or More) Degrees of Clean Coal
Interesting story about the LearnAboutCoal.com website and their use of children in their...
Morning Awesome
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The Clinton Statement
Here's the statement from Maggie Williams (via TPM): Enough. If Barack Obama's campaign wants to...
The Politics of Losing Your Shit
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Fear Mongering
The Clinton campaign has apparently circulated a photograph of Senator Obama dressed in the garb of...
It's 2001-2002 All Over Again
Turning patriotism into a contest was awesome for about two minutes after 9/11. Why the goddamn...
Morning Awesome
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