Don Geronimo is one of the reasons why I do what I do. He's one of my first comedic influences, and...
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Snarky Stumping! Fuck Yeah!
Two word question for Senator Clinton and her supporters: Feel better? Share this:Click to share on...
Are Teachers Engaged In A Whisper Campaign?
This item from Paddy made me spit out my coffee: Our 10-year-old sister, Amani, is in the fifth...
Wingnut ABP! Lie About Global Warming!
There must've been an e-mail blast APB that went out to all wingnuts. Think Progress: Reuters...
Eschacon 2008
I just signed up to attend the Saturday March 29 festivities at the big Eschacon in Philadelphia...
Morning Awesome
I want to go to dinner with these people. WARNING: SPOILERS. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Wingnut of the Week
Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) on last night's Real Time with Bill Maher: REP. KINGSTON: Through...
The War Has Largely Ended
I don't like quoting giant passages from a news story, but you should read all of this from Bizarro...
Non-Reality Based Pentagon
Remember the story Senator Obama told about the soldier in Afghanistan who had to scavenge...
Morning Awesome
AP -- On Feb. 23, 1945, during World War II, U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima captured Mount Suribachi...