“I don’t want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there’s evidence, hard facts...
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Yo Bushie! 19 Percent!
This is staggering, but not surprising. Overall, 19% of Americans say that they approve of the way...
There Will Be Swift Boating
Nothing is impossible, but it's becoming clear that it's mathematically improbable that Senator...
One Step Closer
Photo: Getty Images The final numbers: Wisconsin Barack Obama 645,554 58.1% Hillary Clinton 452,590...
Morning Awesome
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Wisconsin Doesn't Count
Senator Obama has won Wisconsin by upwards of 13 percentage points. Some exit polls indicate as...
Afternoon Awesome
YAAARRR! When I suggested that Senator Clinton needed a cool song, this is precisely the level of...
Okay, so who is left, exactly?
The latest Gallup has Obama beating Clinton among Hispanic voters (h/t TPM). So...let's do a quick...
BREAKING: Obama Attacks Old Lady!
Barack Obama bumped into an old lady while campaigning in a supermarket in Madison, WI today, and...
Clinton plans to “build dele-bots”
Mark Penn, senior campaign strategist for Hillary Clinton, intimated today that his campaign will...