Nooooooo! Oliver Stone has set his sights on his next directing project, "Bush," a film focusing on...
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This Is Weird
When I saw the above screen grab here, I had to do a double-take. Squint at the H&C logo in...
Morning Awesome
Win or lose, for or against, Senator Obama would make Martin Luther King smile today. Also, Cliff...
Senator Obama Goes After Clinton-Clinton '08
From Drudge (so take it with a grain of salt): EXCLUSIVE: OBAMA RIPS INTO BILL CLINTON MONDAY...
Tom Ridge: Waterboarding Is Torture
The AP: “There’s just no doubt in my mind — under any set of rules — waterboarding is torture.” He...
Bizarro Iraq
...where the surge didn't work: The street battles between members of a messianic cult and Iraqi...
Ron Paul to GOP: "Hahahahaha!"
Who's laughing now, Rudy? Ron Paul beat Rudy Giuliani in South Carolina, 4% to 2% Ron Paul beat...
Morning Awesome
The Civil War in 4 minutes. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...
Cramer On Hardball Predicting Armageddon
Another great video at John Amato's house. Cramer also predicts a massive Democratic sweep in...
Uncle Freddie's Show About Nothing
John Amato has video of Country Bear Fred Thompson's weird South Carolina speech which was...