Our trade deficit increased more than expected in May while Trump imposed higher tariffs.
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NRATV is Finished
NRATV will no longer feature live content and may eventually shut down entirely.
Report: Trump Will Back Down, Delay Additional Tariffs on China
Trump is preparing to claim that resuming trade talks is a win in itself.
Second Thought
The Border Patrol chief resigns, Mulvaney is on the outs, and FedEx sues the Commerce Department of...
“You know, I think it’s weather patterns”
Agricultural Secretary Sonny Perdue blames unprecedented flooding on bad weather.
The Bob Cesca Show Presented By BubbleGenius.com 6/25/19
There Are Four Lights -- NSFW! Despair can be fun; Buzz Burbank from Buzz Burbank News and Comment...
Feds: Vaping Congressman Used Campaign Funds For Affairs
Prosecutors say Hunter used funds on at least five affairs.
Report: Trump’s Mass Deportation Plan Was a Mess Before He Leaked It
'I never thought I’d say this, but I miss the Obama rules.'
Agriculture Secretary Doesn’t Expect a Trade Deal This Week
"I don't think he'll come home with a deal," Perdue said.
Help Wanted
Trump sanctions Khamenei, SCOTUS rejects a tariff case, and Trump sends a love letter to Kim Jong...