Huffington Post founding editor Roy Sekoff hammers down a Republican and Joe Klein on Senator...
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Man-on-Dog Huckabee
QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some...
New Huffington Post Item
This week: President Bush Shouldn't Play With Sharp Objects. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Here Comes The Pig Man
British scientists are close to being able to create human-animal hybrids. The cool thing about the...
New Cramer Rant
For those of you interested in the FUBAR economy, check out Jim Cramer's latest rant from this...
Eisenhower's Farewell Speech
On this day in history, President Eisenhower delivered one of the most prescient warnings of the...
Morning Awesome
Another one of my cartoons. Colin Mahan as Arnold. Jason Nash as Sly. Share this:Click to share on...
Homeless Veterans Are Hilarious
Bill O'Reilly thinks it's hilarious that homeless veterans might be sleeping under bridges. Ed...
Al Franken Makes Commercials
Schecter has the YouTube versions of the latest Al Franken for Senate ads. At first, you'll think...
Who's Laughing Now, Assholes?
Again, the disclaimer is that I'm obviously not a Ron Paul supporter. But after speaking the truth...