Lawrence O'Donnell is having a really, really bad day: A loser like Edwards has no status or...
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"You're Making Fun Of Me."
The Republican debate last night underlined everything I don't like about the GOP candidates...
40,000 Pounds Of Surge
Glenn Greenwald notes: Also yesterday, we dropped 40,000 more pounds of bombs on Iraq in a ten...
Morning Awesome
I'll cool it with Rush songs for a while -- after this one. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
"The Surge Worked"
That's literally the title of a Wall Street Journal op/ed signed by Senators McCain and Lieberman...
What's This You Say?
No, no, NO! "Clinton fought back, but she needs a radio-controlled shock collar so that aides can...
The Democratic Leadership Stands Up
The surge escalation didn't work: "No amount of White House spin can hide the fact that the...
0-60 In Four Seconds
The all-electric Mustang. Change the red to black and give me $80,000 and I'm there. Share...
Best Health Care System In The World
Last weekend, the Republican candidates -- especially Giuliani -- crowed about how the American...
Morning Awesome
Foo Fighters, Long Road To Ruin Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...