Huckabee brings another zinger, but that's not the funny part. Watch Mitt's "aw hell" face and...
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"Stereotype African-American"
Novakula: Q: What is Obama’s potential Achilles heel? NOVAK: I think the only potential Achilles...
Morning Awesome
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Cap'n Falafel Fights Obama Staffer
Here's what O'Reilly did today: He deliberately instigated a fight for the sole purpose of turning...
From three points ahead to ten points behind -- Senator Clinton better crank up the negative...
More Scary Wingnuts
...Only this time, the wingnuts are very serious and respected wingnuts who also happen to be...
The Crowds In New Hampshire
That's 2,500 people waiting in line to hear Senator Obama speak in Nashua today. Meanwhile, Senator...
Scary Wingnuts
John Amato found a really psychotic wingnut at Free Republic: Here’s a sample of the kind of...
Morning Awesome
A gleaming alloy Air Car shoots towards me two lanes wide. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
This Is Awesome
A car that runs on compressed air -- and it's real. The BBC by way of Cliff Schecter (with video):...