Vlad Rudy: "None of this worries me - Sept. 11, there were times I was worried." I mean seriously...
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One More Year
ABC News headline: Bush Stays up Past Bedtime to Watch Iowa Results If we ever elect another...
Morning Awesome
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The Senator's Speech
(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) The only President of the United States who appeared on television tonight...
145 Years Ago Tuesday
It was exactly 145 years and two days ago -- January 1, 1863 -- when another Illinoisan, President...
My Dad Endorses…
...Mitt Romney! Just thought I'd throw that into the mix. Dad thinks Romney will win in November ...
Howard Dean just told Olbermann that Democratic turnout was double that of the Republican turnout...
NBC Is Projecting…
...Senator Obama wins the Iowa Caucus! The historical significance is staggeringly powerful. This...
BAGHDAD (AFP) - Three US soldiers have been killed in Iraq, the US military announced on Thursday...
Run Away! We're All Doomed! Wahhh!
Manly Bush Republicans everywhere just pooped in their poopy-diapers. (h/t Amato) Share this:Click...