Lewis Black on The Bush War Smirk: "As I listened to him, I realized that one of us... was nuts."...
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Quiet Victory For The Democrats, America
I've been rough on the Democrats this year. But these quiet victories make me smile: A nine-second...
Benazir Bhutto Assassinated
The AP: RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday...
Morning Awesome
Goddamn awesome new TV series of 2007. AMC's Mad Men. Scene from episode 13, "The Wheel". Share...
The Most Awful Smirks of 2007
I have a year-end Huffington Post item up tonight. It documents the most inappropriate President...
Yoda Is The Reason For The Season
Michelle Malkin reminds us of the reason for the season. She also reminds us what it's like to have...
Exclusive: Bloomberg Won't Run Against Obama
Remember that breakfast meeting between Senator Obama and Mayor Bloomberg last month? There could...
The Surge Worked
Look how peaceful Christmas was in Iraq: Bob Strong / Reuters BAGHDAD — At least 25 people were...
Morning Awesome
Goddamn awesome sports moment of 2007. Fabian Cancellara beats the sprinters to win Stage 3 of the...
Christmas Awesome
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