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Kos Straw Poll: Edwards Way Up
No, no, no. Edwards picks up three points, Senator Obama drops three points. New Daily Kos straw...
Morning Awesome
Listen all of y'all it's a Sabotage. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
So Long, Suckers!
Neocon failures Krauthammer and Kristol have been ousted from TIME. Nicole at C&L: It may be...
Winning Enemy Support Without Caving
JustAngry at Daily Kos quoting The New Yorker: This is a regular theme with Obama: supporters who...
Wingnut Mailbag
This week I received the usual variety of pristinely-worded wingnut e-mails, like this one: It...
Roy Sekoff on Hannity & Colmes
Huffington Post's founding editor Roy Sekoff appeared on Hannity & Colmes last night and ended...
Progressive Edwards
I'm reading the comments on my Obama endorsement this morning and I'm amazed by how many...
Morning Awesome
Just a reminder. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
Gleek Cock — I mean, Glenn Beck
"Glenn Beck" is such an unfortunate name. I go around all the time accidentally saying Glick Fuck...