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Christian Nation With Roman Gods
While visiting the Capitol yesterday, I noticed that there weren't a lot of crosses hanging from...
Go To Crooks & Liars Now
It's one of those days at C&L when you start to watch videos -- then suddenly it's five hours...
The Old Supreme Court
The Old Supreme Court Chamber (1810-1860) was open to visitors yesterday, and due to the sheer luck...
Morning Awesome
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Anti-Torture Bill Blocked By Obstructionist GOP
Senator Graham blocked Congress's anti-torture legislation yesterday. “I think quite frankly...
Morning Awesome
(I'll be in Washington today. With my energy legs.) Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
New Barney Christmas Video
Every year the White House produces one of these because they believe kids will enjoy watching the...
The Three-Headed Hydra of Stupid
The National Stupid Index rose to staggering levels when stupid Dana Perino appeared in the same...
Morning Awesome
Right you are, Ken. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...