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Holy Jesus, Congress Sucks
This is joke, right? Greenwald: To be fair, the Democratic-led House was able to pass an extremely...
They Make My Head Explode
There had better be a really fucking brilliant strategy behind the latest Democratic capitulation...
Morning Awesome
It's no secret that a liar won't believe in anyone else. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Republicans Don't Use Bad Words II
The following note is why I include my personal e-mail address within my Huffington Post bio:...
Torture Everyone
Silly wingnut: I don't think some water inside someone's sinus cavities is going to make me toss...
Turn Those Machines Back On!
It's days like yesterday and today when I think I'd be better served handing over my modest...
Torture, Hearts And Minds
Back in February 2005, I posted this striking Yahoo News photo of three Iraqi children in Sadr...
Morning Awesome
To live between the wars in our time Living in real time Holding the good time Holding on to...
Top 10 Bushisms Of 2007
Here are my favorites from the list: 10. “And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised...