Don't forget that the president said Iran would be a target if they attained the knowledge to...
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Morning Awesome
From the family tree of old school hip hop Kick off your shoes and relax your socks The rhymes will...
You Know What's Awesome?
MSNBC's David Shuster over-pronouncing the word: "Tuuuurdblossom." That's what's awesome. I wish I...
Paul Tsongas
I was just reading the latest Gallup poll on the race (here) and my memory was jolted back to this...
World War III
Goddamn. Remember this? The administration called new attention to the threat posed by Iran earlier...
Reich Smacks Senator Clinton
Go Robert Reich: I just don’t get it. If there’s anyone in the race whose history shows unique...
Holy fucking shit. ABC News: "We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its...
More Washington Post Rumormonger Fallout
Horse's Mouth reports two more Washington Post reporters are blasting Perry Bacon's front page...
Don Imus Is Back
If you want to be on terrestrial radio, you don't even need a pulse anymore. UPDATE: He apparently...
Stretch Blames Bloggers For Polarization
David Gregory inexplicably blamed bloggers for the polarization of the country: I think it’s...