CNBC's Jim Cramer is a Democrat. I kinda gathered this after I saw him on Hardball one time and he...
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That Darned Liberal Media!
CBS is running with the Washington Post story about the Senator Obama rumors. Horse's Mouth has...
New Huffington Item
I have a new article up at Huffington Post. For what it's worth, I switched days with Arianna this...
Washington Post's Whisper Campaign
This is an atrocity from your "liberal media": Despite his denials, rumors and e-mails circulating...
Morning Awesome
I wonder sometimes how so many can be so blind. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
To Be Fair…
Here's what I agreed with: Senator McCain on torture; Ron Paul on foreign policy; and, believe it...
My Mouth's Bleedin' Burt!
Was it just the color correction on my television or did it look like Fred Thompson's gums and lips...
September 11th, 2001
In response to a YouTube question about whether he exploits 9/11, Giuliani invoked the exact phrase...
Gun Control
There was seriously just a question in the Republican YouTube debate in which some dude asked if...
HA-HA! Funny! Bam!
There's a real life Save Tucker website (via TRex). In it, they regard this disingenuous twerp as a...