The UN's Human Development Index rankings of the best places to live: 1. Iceland 2. Norway 3...
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Patty-Headed Hos
Pat Buchanan's new book: The American majority is not reproducing itself. Its birthrate has been...
Fucking Clean Coal
The CNN YouTube debate tonight is sponsored by Clean Coal (more at Think Progress). I wonder if...
Oh noooooooooo!
President Clinton yesterday: Even though I approved of Afghanistan and opposed Iraq from the...
The YouTube Debate Tonight
I hope CNN picks some really crazy videos with ordinary Americans dressed in funny beards and...
Morning Awesome
Why would anyone disable embedding for their YouTube video? Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Ehud Olmo And Mahoomid Abbas
Oh. My. Fucking. God. I saw this on Olbermann tonight. Your awesome president just totally...
More Drunken Immigrants Gunning For You
Malkin is screeching about the drunk driving illegal immigrant epidemic again. By "epidemic" I mean...
He Not Good Diplomatter
The New York Times answers one of my questions about the president bailing on Annapolis: In fact...
And Now I'm Leaving To Play Video Golf
One of the president's remarks today at Annopolis: ...the time is right because a battle is under...