Middle Easters are meant for bombin' not talkin'. President Bush, who's largely ignored the risky...
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Morning Awesome
The genius of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Climate Skeptics Are Stupid…
...and they think you are equally as stupid. Here is Christopher Booker's latest thing for the UK...
Blackened Friday
TBogg takes an enormous stinky dump all over Black Friday. What the retailers and the retail...
The President And A Fraud
The Fraud, of course, is on the right side of this photo. Imagine the world today if the president...
Senator McCain Says Stupid Things About Iraq
Firedoglake: “Whoever designed that government ought to be taken out and shot,” he said, referring...
The President's Weird Camp David Pictures
This is the president in his Camp David office over the weekend. Notice the two wall hangings...
We're Back
The site was down for a while, but as you can see, we're rolling again. Someone told me that this...
No Effing Way Out
A new agreement between the White House and the Maliki government has guaranteed that we'll be in...
Buchanan Predicting American Third World
I don't entirely disagree with Pat Buchanan when he writes: "America is coming apart, decomposing...