He's resigning to spend more time with his racism. Or... He's resigning to spend more time with his...
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Morning Awesome
"I feel a little lost -- a little strange today." Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
Brought To You By… Irony
A commercial just aired during Meet The Press featuring a montage of natural disaster clips. The...
Not A Success
Part One: With American military successes outpacing political gains in Iraq, the Bush...
Watch Your Step, People
The Democrats on Iraq: As violence declines in Baghdad, the leading Democratic presidential...
G'Day Mr. Rudd
I like this guy already: The day after sweeping to power in general elections, Rudd went straight...
Rudy Is Trying To Cheat
That crazy California scheme to split up the electoral votes so Republican candidates could steal...
Morning Awesome
Bill Hicks in Montreal, 1994. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...
Awwww. What A Shame.
You mean -- no-one likes Tucker? Rumors have been flying recently that Tucker Carlson could soon be...
Morning Awesome
"I don't know how a man decides what's right for his own life. It's all a mystery." Share...