$99 per barrel. Place your bets on the following: 1) Will it be a record-breaking travel holiday...
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I Agree With Huckabee
I can't believe I wrote that headline, but in this case, it's mostly true. Regarding the McClellan...
Crazier Than Bush
The new Wednesday article is up over at Huffington Post. If you love Giuliani as much as I do...
The Perino Unit Responds Robotically
The AP: White House press secretary Dana Perino said it wasn't clear what McClellan meant in the...
Morning Awesome
Smashing Pumpkins go to the moon. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click...
No, No, No! She's Said What?!
Outgoing Homeland Security advisor and Bush sycophant Fran Townsend told CNN that the evildoers...
Gobble Gobble!
Oil jumped to $98 a barrel today as the dollar continues to fall apart. More from Bloomberg. Keep...
Did McClellan Lie To Fitzgerald?
The question on my mind since this news broke today has been: did Scotty perjure himself for the...
Giuliani: The First Insane President
Senator Obama would be the first black president; Senator Clinton, the first woman president;...
Morning Awesome
Mr. Show - Blow Up The Moon Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...