Is a fertilized egg a person? Of course this isn't a question that should be answered by scientists...
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Driving Under The Influence Of Being Latino
Maybe I'm missing something. Ingram is hosting The Falafel Factor tonight and she's interviewing...
Chris Matthews has been comparing this coming election year to 1968. Tonight he wrangled Brokaw...
Outsourcing Our Support For The Troops
I was in Gettysburg on Saturday for the Remembrance Day parade and in one of the restaurants, there...
Novak's Awesome Sources
You can cram a lot of horseshit into an old withered hack: Novak disclosed that his source for the...
Immigration Hardball
Watch this clip from Hardball then come back. It's Rachel Maddow debating Pat Buchanan about...
OPEC and The Dollar
I'm just thinking out loud here (big disclaimer -- I'm not an economist!). What if OPEC decided to...
Greenwald Kung Fu
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Morning Awesome
From the 2nd season episode The Midterms. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
This Isn't Good News
Oh shit. OPEC will study the weak U.S. dollar's effect on the oil cartel's earnings and investigate...