The Nobel Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change: In a startling and much-debated...
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Turtle Turtle Turtle
When I saw Gergen on CNN after the debate last night, I concluded that he's officially turtley...
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Hold on!
I thought the reason why Senators Schumer and Feinstein voted to confirm Mukasey was because they...
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I've been thinking about a particular anti-choice argument used by Mike Huckabee recently. "It...
The Senate Votes, My Brain Liquefies
I have a degree in political science, but sometimes this stuff makes my brain bleed. WASHINGTON...
Score One For The Planet & The Troops
The president's unfair, weak and ineffectual fuel efficiency standards for SUVs were killed by the...
Cable News Hackery
Kos asks good questions. Would it kill CNN to not include partisan supporters of the various...
Oh No You Just Did Not!
I agree with Jane about this bit from the debate last night. Senator Obama compared Senator...
Morning Awesome! Go!
The story of O-Ren Ishii. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share...