CBS News poll. And... Yo Cheney! 18 percent! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
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Civil War
Chaotic Iraq just got civil war-ier. BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Gunmen shot dead 47 civilians and left...
Bring on the national security debate!
The Bush administration: September 11th response: Bush reads "My Pet Goat" then runs away. 9/11...
Cheney Shot A Man
Some thoughts... -The NSA eavesdroppers must be going crazy today. A lot of e-mails blasting...
Camp X-Ray Revealed
National Journal via Atrios: A high percentage, perhaps the majority, of the 500-odd men now held...
Yeah! President Washington tapped phones!
What the blue fucking blazes was this? "General" Gonzales today: GONZALES: President Washington...
I almost forgot Hannity existed, until…
...I saw this video at Crooks & Liars. Watch as he spews his right wing talking points at Ted...
The Bush-Nixon Hybrid
Creepy. From the new ad. Watch the ad here. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens...
Live blogging the State of the Union
I'll be live blogging the "shiny, happy, upbeat" SOTU tonight at the Huffington Post. Bring the...
VIDEO: State of the Union Production Diary
Plummer and I wrote this short film for the Huffington Post. If you're familiar with the KING KONG...