Who would've thunk it... Bush had the capacity to be a uniter after all. BRUCE FEIN, constitutional...
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'Don't fuck with your own people.'
"It's drilled into you from minute one that you should not ever, ever, ever, under any fucking...
Pants on fire!
Bush on April 20, 2004: Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any...
Suddenly speedy
The unelected-president at the press conference yesterday: BUSH: We used the process to monitor...
Recipe for victory: run against Bush
You may not have noticed that Bolivia has a new president. See, the mainstream media has spent so...
Jon Alter: Bush was scared!
Read Jonathan Alter. I learned this week that on December 6, Bush summoned Times publisher Arthur...
Why the frig hasn't he been arrested yet?
Cindy Sheehan was arrested and hauled away the instant she stepped onto a forbidden sidewalk near...
Five years in prison
The law via Atrios: * FISA makes it a crime, punishable by up to five years in prison, to conduct...
Just so long as I'm the dictator
This is the crossroads moment for America. Clearly the Bush Regime and their Congressional allies...
Bush admits to breaking the law
"This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. It is critical to saving...