President King Idiot today: "It seems fitting on Martin Luther King Day that I come and look at the...
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Americablog buys Gen. Clark's cell calls for $89
I... There aren't words. Read. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...
No Dems on MSNBC during Alito hearing coverage
Media Matters has the pathetic news. Write to MSNBC here: Then on Hardball...
Dean debunks "Dems took Abramoff money" myth
Howard Dean wiped the floor with Wolf Blitzer yesterday. Watch. Share this:Click to share on...
Another reason why Peter Jackson rules
He's helping to save the African mountain gorilla from extinction. Full story. There are only 706...
Frank Rich on Bush's illegal wiretapping
Must read Rich: ALMOST two weeks before The New York Times published its scoop about our...
AP wire tap poll gets the language right
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Tweety sounds like he's on the GOP payroll
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Midget asshole steps down
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More and more like Watergate all the time
The ILLEGAL (yeah, "warrantless," too, that's what makes it ILLEGAL) wiretapping of millions of...