Apparently "President" Bush isn't too happy these days. Lots of events making him feel down, I...
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American racism alive and poppy!
Nobody's born a racist, but man, those white supremicists do start teaching hatred at a young age...
Coup d’etat, Cheney-style
Colin Powell's chief of staff, a career soldier, a Republican, and a booster of President George H...
Imperial echoes
For those watching the quite good HBO series Rome, and seeing parallels between their tyranny...
James Moore, who knows Karl Rove all-too well (Moore wrote Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George...
Tim Russert: Bought Man
Digby has more on what a truly unrepentant scumbag Tim Russert is. Oh, Tim, what would Big Russ...
NBC: Your ethical ratings stink, too
I'm on a Jane Hamsher kick today, and she has a great piece about how NBC employs neocon co...
Evil neo-con villain #4 (or is it #5?) in double-trouble
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Frist: Doctor of Sleaze
So what did Bill Frist do with all the money he got from his insider-trading, non-blind family-run...
Re-electing a guy in a mug shot
As the Republican party scrambles to find candidates for 2006 and beyond, they better include De...