In response to John's Idiot Nation and my Bigotry In The Name of Jesus H. Christ, one of the most...
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Cheney’s Blogcast: Surgery a Success!
Download file (Written and recorded by Marc Evan Jackson) Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Brownies, Brownies everywhere
A couple weeks back, Paul Krugman asked what other federal agencies, beyond FEMA and the Department...
Which prison gang will Frist join?
The stock-holding members of Congress are bound by law to have their money in "blind trusts." This...
In Washington today, at least 100,000 citizens marched against the war. Republicans, Democrats...
Cheney’s Blogcast: A Bedside Radio Address
Download file (2mb mp3). (Written and recorded by Marc Evan Jackson) Share this:Click to share on...
Shepard Smith Gets Blown Away
This is one of the funniest cable news videos I've ever seen. Shepard Smith getting blown away by...
Idiot Nation.
Why are Americans so stupid? The lack of a good education is doubtless at the root of this...
The flyover presidency continues
Numbnuts, en route, to his home state: "There will be no risk of me getting in the way. What I will...
Disaster without end
New Orleans today: "Our worst fears came true," said Maj. Barry Guidry of the Georgia National...