If you love America, this man should be our next president. Gore/Clark in 2008. Remarks by Al Gore...
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Bush wants martial law
Bush's solution to a possible avian flu epidemic? The military, of course! You think that's a...
The patented Dick Cheney Job Search Process at work
Courtesy of the LA Times: This year it was Miers who brought word to the president that Justice...
F minus minus minus is good enough for Uncle Sam!
From the LA Times: Coming off a recruiting year in which the Army fell short of its goal of 80,000...
DeLay indicted again
AUSTIN, Texas - A Texas grand jury on Monday re-indicted Rep. Tom DeLay on charges of conspiring to...
Bush picks crony, loyalist to replace O'Connor
It's Harriet Miers, current White House counsel. Think Progress reminds us of this quote from David...
Stephanopoulos: Bush involved in the leak
George Stephanopoulos hinted that the leaking of Plame's identity involved Bush and Cheney:...
Tick-Tock for Turdblossom and Scooter
The Washington Post: But a new theory about Fitzgerald's aim has emerged in recent weeks from two...
Cheney’s Blogcast: “This is not a scandal.”
Download file (Written and recorded by Marc Evan Jackson) Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Meanwhile, back in the Iraqi Civil War — what?!
Robert Dreyfus of TomPaine.com smacks us in the face with a little reality about the recently...