Hurricane Corrina...hugging poor people...Iraq...mess...Cindy Sheehan...Rove in trouble...Brownie...
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Chertoff and Brownie are not anomolies
Paul Krugman's column on Monday posited that FEMA was not the only government agency to be headed...
Permanent Post: Bush is not fit to lead
[Nancy Pelosi, D-CA] related that she had urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Michael...
Bush does something right…
...and it only took thousands of dead bodies in New Orleans. Impressive. Federal Emergency...
Republicans and their opinion of black people
The Wall Street Journal via the DCCC: Two shaky House incumbents, Democrat Melancon and Republican...
Yo Bushie! AP says 39 percent.
AP-Ipsos poll numbers. If Republicans in Congress want to keep their jobs a year from now, they...
Brian Williams possessed by spirit of Edward R. Murrow
Brian Williams (Yes, BRIAN WILLIAMS! The NBC anchor!) is leading the charge against the FEMA/Bush...
You’re doin’ a heck of a job, Fitzie!
Reuters reports today that Patrick Fitzgerald may be close to wrapping up his investigation into...
FEMA gets $50 BILLION?!?!?!
Josh Marshall red flags the latest Bush/FEMA nexis of evil: This just seems amazingly misguided...
Oh, that chubby little Dick!
Cheney was flown down to a Republican neighborhood in Mississippi today for his photo op near...