It's REALLY simple. Bush spent WAY less money than experts asked for to prevent hurricane...
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Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney!
Cheney gets owned live on CNN. Windows Media. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Reports of her humanity have been greatly exaggerated
Barbara Bush is a spiteful, greedy, cruel woman who lacks basic compassion for any human being who...
What's missing from this list…?
The president's Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Louisiana, dated 8/26: The President...
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Bush: Making Americans less safe
Maureen Dowd gets it right, courtesy of truthout: The president won re-election because he said...
Bush in freefall.
From the AP, via "It's going to be almost impossible to overcome the perception about...
Katrina Timeline
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has posted a timeline of Katrina-related events. It is WELL...
Spine growth II: Attack of the Senate Minority Leader
Go Harry Reid! From the NYT: In a letter to the Senate's Homeland Security Committee chairwoman...
Spine growth!
Nancy Pelosi, from the NYT: At a news conference, Pelosi, D-Calif., said Bush's choice for head of...