The Hess station across the street from my studio just moments ago. This morning at around 10 a.m...
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Bush fumbles as people die
Bush on Good Morning America: "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." As most...
NY Times: Waiting for a leader
Today's Times nailed it on the head: George W. Bush gave one of the worst speeches of his life...
The Hurricane President
Via Kos, this was President Bush yesterday while New Orleans was being overtaken by the Gulf of...
Hurricane Katrina
Red Cross Salvation Army Pets and animal rescue Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
64% of America believes in… Creationism?
Human origins poll data from Harris: Which of the following do you believe about how human beings...
9 states are pro-life-on-earth — let’s get the other 41 on board!
From CNN: The United States is the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide. The Bush...
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Pat Robertson announced to millions of 700 Club viewers that he thinks Hugo Chavez, the...
Pat Robertson admits crush on Hugo Chavez
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