From CNN: The United States is the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide. The Bush...
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The anti-troop, pro-boating Bush!
You know, we all support the troops in different ways. Some send them money to buy night-vision...
The Anti-Christians
Pat Robertson announced to millions of 700 Club viewers that he thinks Hugo Chavez, the...
Pat Robertson admits crush on Hugo Chavez
So Pat Robertson wants to clear things up. See, he didn't really mean he wanted to MURDER...
Why does this vet hate America?
Bill Moyer, 73, wears a "Bullshit Protector" flap over his ear while President George W. Bush...
Here's another one…
The face of a man discussing the war in Iraq: It's all so fucking funny, isn't it? If I made a...
Now choke yourself!
"You had best unfuck yourself Private Pyle or I will unscrew your head and shit down your NECK!" (R...
This is the one. This is the face that bugs me.
Photo from the AP today. Does this look like the face of someone who's talking about death, war...
Wow! That's a lot of blue!
I mean, that's a shitload of blue. Blue, blue, blue. It's like a sea of blue. Then there's that...
That's it. Bush is drunk or stoned or both.
More from Bubble Boy today: In other words, democracy is unfolding. And the reason why that's...