We are torturing children in Iraq. We are torturing children in Iraq. It was early last October...
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Why hate
I don't think "they hate us for our freedoms." I think they might hate us for other reasons, though...
Laziest President Ever.
51 vacations. 5 years. Average of 10 vacations per year. How many vacations does the average...
Future cannon fodder
"Hey, when I'm still President in 7 years, you fellas feel like going over to Iraqanistan to...
Man, I couldn’t golf with that arm!
51 vacations in 5 years. How many vacations do you think the guy on the right has had in the last...
O'Reilly thinks scientists are fascists
O'Reilly, you moron. Via Kos: The National Academy of Science and the American Association for the...
21 Marines on permanent vacation, Mr. Bush
Enjoy your golf, your bike, your dog, your huge ranch, and your 33-day paid vacation, Mr. Bush. You...
What the HELL? Schmidt leading in Ohio-2?
It's close but voters in Ohio's district 2 actually DON'T want an Iraq War veteran to go to...
Record vacation for "The War President"
As the American death toll in Iraq surpasses 1,800, your self-proclaimed "war president" is poised...