Suddenly, we have public, progressive political figures who DON'T MINCE WORDS. One is the...
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Cindy Sheehan in her own words
I'm gonna say, "OK, listen here, George. #1, you quit, and I demand - every time you get out there...
Baghdad mayor ousted, 97 killed or wounded
Full story from the NY Times. Have you honored Cindy and her son yet, Bushie? Share this:Click to...
What's more important, George? Golf or honor?
Talk to Cindy, George. Don't arrest her. She's given more than you can ever imagine. Share...
Honor them, George. Talk to Cindy.
Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new...
Who we honorin' here?
George W. Bush to Cindy Sheehan, June 2004: "Who are we honorin' here?" While Bushie digs for...
Go talk to Georgie
Cindy Sheehan is inviting people to join her in her vigil for dialogue with Bush. She's sitting...
White House vetting process still all wacky-like
Whoops. A White House council on volunteerism said Friday it's taking another look at how the...
Why is Bush scared of this woman?
Cindy Sheehan has been waiting in extreme heat outside Bush's ranch in Texas. She wants one simple...
Go figure: Drudge is a shameless asshat
Finding evidence that Drudge is a tasteless smearmonger is like finding urine on the floor of a pub...