"Karl Rove did not leak. Karl Rove provided information … it was background information, it was off...
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More wisdom from Banana Head (Santorum)
“One of my political heroes, the eighteenth-century British statesman William Wilberforce, argued...
Monkeys with human brains?
SCIENTISTS have been warned that their latest experiments may accidently produce monkeys with...
Give him hell, boys!
Scott McClellan was finally ripped to shreds by the White House Press Corp yesterday regarding Rove...
Olbermann dances on Rove's pasty head
To paraphrase Mr. Rove, liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare...
Allawi blasts Bush Iraq policy
“The problem is that the Americans have no vision and no clear policy on how to go about in Iraq...
It's official: Corporations feeding us turds
I saw this cereal at the store last night and threw up in my mouth. Clearly, corporate America...
Newsweek confirms: It was Rove!
Newsweek: [E-mail from Matt Cooper to his editors at TIME]: "Spoke to Rove on double super secret...
FNC's Brit Hume on the London bombings
Montage found here. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
Santorum Exposed: The Quotes
All the demonic quotes from Banana Head here in beautiful streaming video. Share this:Click to...