Just a quick internal note. Our comments area has been under attack by spammers. I wanted to keep...
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Rove, Bennett smearing the AARP
Josh Marshall is reporting that Rove has employed adulterer Bill Bennett to spread propaganda about...
Hearts and minds
And this photo was taken in the Shiite Muslim controlled Sadr city. For the record, Shiite Muslims...
Gannon boss thanks Karl Rove
Special prosecutor NOW! In particular, I'd like to thank Terri Hillhouse and the entire GOPUSA team...
Greatest presidents
The results of the latest Gallup "greatest presidents" poll are, what's the word? Weird. 1. Reagan...
Gannon, bias, and watchdogs in the press
Newsflash: the Republican apologists for Jeff Gannon are balls-out delusional. Cliff Kincaid, of...
Rendered obsolete and quaint
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Rummy must resign
Sorry for stating the obvious in the headline, but now more than ever, Rumsfeld is behaving like a...
Iraqi prisoner died under interrogation
Fraternity pranks, Mr. Limbaugh? Eff you. The AP: An Iraqi whose corpse was photographed with...
More '08 speculation
This seems to generate plenty of varied opinions, so here's another ticket to chew on. How about:...