The Justice Department lawyers, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo, who wrote the infamous 2002...
Latest Articles
What is torture? The GOP doesn't get it
The Senate floor debate on Al Gonzales is underway and Senator Specter (R-PA) just rattled off a...
The Democracy-for-Food Program?
Some Iraqis are now saying that in order to attain their food rations, they had to vote. Inter...
Gonzales Senate debate happening now
Hide from your boss and crank this up. Orrin Hatch is speaking now and is calling the anti-Gonzales...
Bush unfamiliar with Voting Rights Act
It comes as no surprise that the man who stood before the nation on inauguration day and spoke in...
Is it really about democracy in Iraq?
Those of you familiar with the neocon PNAC will know this letter. Those of you who aren't, here's a...
Trailer: "This Divided State"
Just a quick link to a trailer for an independent film about a red state battle that took place...
Global warming will destroy the Arctic
Saturday, CNN gave the following story about 2 minutes on their "lighter side" news show called...
David Corn: Bush lying or making it up?
David Corn has caught Bush either lying about or making up the existence of a gay-adoption study...
PBS joins Nazis, KKK in opposition to gays
PBS thinks lebsians are unacceptable role models for children. On an episode of the bunny...