Just a quick link to a trailer for an independent film about a red state battle that took place...
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Global warming will destroy the Arctic
Saturday, CNN gave the following story about 2 minutes on their "lighter side" news show called...
David Corn: Bush lying or making it up?
David Corn has caught Bush either lying about or making up the existence of a gay-adoption study...
PBS joins Nazis, KKK in opposition to gays
PBS thinks lebsians are unacceptable role models for children. On an episode of the bunny...
Independent UK on the Iraq election
By way of further tempering the enthusiasm for the impact of yesterday's election, the Independent...
Will it have a bulge?
The worldwide "deserving-a-statue curve" has been permanently shot to hell: The man replacing the...
Bill Moyers is being villified by the neo-con/religious right, and Moyers is fighting back. He just...
The Iraqi election: In the long run…
Before we get back to discussing the current status of torture, propaganda, suppression of civil...
Kids will say the darndest things
The Knight Foundation (press release here) issued the results of a poll today regarding high school...
Republicans? Civil Rights? Funny!
The Republicans are maneuvering to make themselves the party of civil rights. LA Times...