According to a report released today by the Special Inspector General for the Reconstruction of...
Latest Articles
Of cable news, neocons, and the election
By way of a follow-up to my previous thoughts (here and here) about the Iraqi election, the media...
Elections and Bush: does it matter?
Does it matter that voter turnout in central Iraq was light at best? Does it matter that voter...
The AP has a time machine?
It's now only 75 minutes into the Iraq election and the AP has written an item which sounds as if...
Iraq votes: riveting cable news coverage
The coverage is gripping. FNC is showing live footage of an empty polling place decorated with...
Freedom of assembly on trial
A diarist at dKos has the story. This is a tragedy. Plain and simple. Bubble Boy must not win this...
The deep breath before the plunge
(AP photo and verbatim caption) Iraqi youths stand next to five dead bodies in Ramadi, an insurgent...
Bring on the democracy!
Here's where we are at this point: -Rocket attack on the U.S. Embassy. Two Americans dead. Six...
Thanks for the reminder, Mr. Bush
Today while meeting with congressional Republicans, George W. Bush gave a preview of his state of...
Bedtime Story for Margaret Spellings #2
It's time for another bedtime story for our brand new Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings...