Like many of his fellow old-school conservative Republicans (the non-neocon type), Dr. Paul Craig...
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Take off, Dick!
Dick Cheney's disrespectful cold weather gear at Auschwitz yesterday reminded me of something...
Some Friday night Coulter idiocy
UPDATE: Video here. This made me smile the smile of all smiles. From This is Rumor Control:...
The Jeff Gannon (real name?) mystery
Who is Jeff Gannon? We know he lifted White House and GOP press releases and talking points, while...
Answer the question
Courtesy of Democracy Now, from Wednesday's press conference: REPORTER: That there are some...
The Progressive Pitch
A couple weeks ago, The American Prospect began a discussion (which continued at dKos) of the...
Another writer takes White House payola
"Ethics & Religion" writer Michael McManus. Salon, via dKos: One day after President Bush...
Bedtime Story for Margaret Spellings #1
For the next several nights, I'm proud to present a special bedtime story for our brand new...
Right-wing reporter caught plagiarizing
WARNING: News about one of the most brazen, uninformed, snarky, right-wing White House lap-dogs...
Mind-numbing: Today in Iraq
This list of items directly from the AP is mind-numbing. E-mail this to the Bubble Boy here. If his...