In and amongst a Washington Post item today about the counter-inaugural "protests" happening on...
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Marriage banned at Connecticut church
Slowly, supporters of civil liberties in the religious community are beginning a counter-revolution...
Graner 'followed military, civilian orders'
The official Bush administration line is: Abu Ghraib was perpetrated by a few bad apples. That's...
U.S. human rights authority diminished
Human Rights Watch just issued a scathing 527 page report in which it details the chief crux of the...
O'Reilly on bloggers, Air America
Here's some choice quotes from last night's O'Splotchy fest: HUGH HEWITT [AUTHOR]: Now Daily Kos...
O'Reilly: Air America funding unethical?
By way of a follow-up on the Kos item... O'Reilly did a segment on the Kos/Dean non-issue tonight...
Markos vs. Armstrong: the bottom line
Can you see it? The way the right is deflecting allegations of propaganda against the White House...
Global warming is real
The earth is getting hotter, and the United States official policy is "no, it isn't." Uh, yes, it...
Powell: “We’re losing.”
The Financial Times gives us this great bit of high-level conversation: Mr Bush recently asked Mr...
Bush kinda' sorta' regrets 'Bring 'em on'
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