In Bob Woodward's "Plan of Attack", the issue of WMD was discussed heavily based on accounts from...
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Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and now…
CAMP JENNY! Yes, the horrific abuse of Iraqi prisoners continues, and this time, in a new location...
Horkulated graphic: Bush and CBS
Agitprop graphic by Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click...
Chertoff: no lawyers for detainees
The Village Voice, in an article by Nat Hentoff about Steven Brill's book "After", reported in 2003...
Screw terrorism, Bush wants a party!
The District of Columbia will be forced to use nearly $12 million from their Homeland Security...
McClellan: it was an isolated felony
Scott McClellan fired off some great lines this afternoon. The AP: The White House said Monday that...
The Oath of Honesty in Journalism
The American Prospect has written an oath for all right-wing propapundits: I swear that I have...
Hardball wastes 90 minutes on Rather?
Watching Chris Matthews tonight, you'd never know that the White House is engaged in a propaganda...
What about Robert Novak? Of course!
Randi Rhodes just mentioned the name Robert Novak regarding the White House propaganda machine...
Williams: There's other propapundits
Armstrong Williams spilled the beans to David Corn regarding White House propaganda efforts: "This...