Not only is the prospect of an Iraqi election growing thinner by the day, but we're now learning...
Latest Articles
STOP FLOGGING OF WOMEN IN THE UAE Amnesty International has posted this urgent Action Alert...
Long Term Memory Loss
Welcome back! It's time to play, Long Term Memory Loss! Okay contestants, here we go...who said...
Speaking of Cost
We've spent a paltry $35 million to help the millions of people hit by the tsunamis. It's cost...
How much does Jeb cost?
Much has been made on this site already about how little the U.S. cares about the victims of the...
Iraq by the numbers; more bad news
The Houston Chronicle gives us the sobering reality of Bush's Folly: • The U.S. military suffered...
Torture Bad
A new memo released yesterday by the Justice Department repudiates a previous DOJ memo from August...
And here comes the Christian Right
The magnitude of hate is staggering. Click "continue reading" to see a newsletter released by...
Christian Right silent over tsunamis
The Christian Right's odd silence over the tragedies that befell southeast Asia this past weekend...
NY Times blasts miserly Bush
The New York Times pounded the White House today: "The person who made that statement was very...