Finally the mainstream press is catching on that Bush and his cronies are not trying to "reform"...
Latest Articles
Thank you, Iraq War supporters!
Thanks to this wonderful war and the 60,608,582 Bush voters who endorsed it, we get this from the...
Reducing the deficit with one easy lie
We all know that Bush has plans to reduce his party's tax-cut-and-spend federal budget deficit in...
Lugar opposes detainee gulag
We've been following closely the news that the Bush administration is exploring plans to detain...
This week in Washington: 2 big events
GONZALEZ HEARINGS Confirmation hearings begin this week for torturer and sketch comedian Alberto...
Oliver Willis: Rules for 2005
Oliver Willis compiled a great list of rules for 2005. Here's some choice cuts: 3. The media is not...
CBS News kisses Bush’s ass
If you've ever had any doubt that the news media is really just a bunch of whores, Broadcasting and...
Petition against Gonzales
Sign a petition urging Congress to oppose Alberto "torture is quaint" Gonzales' nomination for...
Apocalypse Now, Part II
James Wolcott's commentary on an article about our military in Iraq in the current issue of The...
Good news for gay couples in California
With the turn of the new year, gay couples in California are now able to attain similar legal...