One of the founders of the neocon movement, Reed Irvine, died last month. Those of you who have...
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Arkansas judge kills anti-gay law
An Arkansas judge has struck down a law in that state prohibiting foster children from living in...
Priorities of a 'compassionate' leader
$35 million. $40 million. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share...
VIDEO: "Comedy"
While Faramir and his men are sent to die in an impossible conflict, Lord Denethor indulges himself...
Pat Buchanan joins anti-war voices
Pat Buchanan's December 27th column reads as if someone from our side hacked his computer and ghost...
My Pet Goat II: Still Missing
Where is Mr. Bush? On vacation, clearing brush, talking goo-goo talk with Barney the dog, mopping...
More on Concerned Women For America
As mentioned before on this blog, this group is really severe. In addition to their boycott of...
Weird Tucker Carlson tsunami interview
From last night's "News Night with Aaron Brown" with guest host Tucker Carlson: CARLSON: Imagine...
Bush's shrinkage and some history
George W. Bush's current job approval rating is somewhere in the range of 49% (Fox, for example...
Pooty Poot pokes U.S. elections
This flew way under the media radar yesterday. Then again, the U.S. media's radar is made of papier...