Tucker Carlson, who was smacked down by the truth-talking Jon Stewart, is set to take over the...
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Yellow magnets V: Bring them home
Iraq war veteran, Marine Lance Corporal Michael Hoffman in Allentown, PA's Morning Call: If you...
Because they can, that’s why!
Pfizer. Inc.'s CEO announced yesterday that the company will not recall the popular arthitis drug...
Meanwhile, in Iraq today
While Bush talks baby-talk with Barney (RealPlayer) and basks in his preordained legacy... Karbala...
TIME picks Bush, lowers standards
"For sticking to his guns (literally and figuratively), for reshaping the rules of politics to fit...
Yellow Magnets IV: Beyond Profitdome
Tonight, while shopping with my wife at a Bed, Bath & Beyond (don't laugh, they donated 93% to...
It’s 1933 all over again
Students of history will recall that the Nazis didn't just sweep in one day and install themselves...
The Perfect X-mas Gift
Wow. Taser International, the leading manufacturer of Stun Guns (as well lining the pockets of...
Sauron: Saruman is 'doing a great job'
Speaking for the president, Scott McClellan yesterday voiced the administration's support for...
44% of Americans identify with Nazis
The AP reported yesterday that researchers at Cornell University did a nationwide poll that found...