Looking for a place to visit with the kids this Summer? Forget Epcot. Nevermind the Grand Canyon...
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Senator Frist doesn't know
On "This Week", while discussing the insanely false information in the government's abstinence...
Actual hardball question on Hardball
From Friday night's Hardball with guest: Stay-Puft Televangelist Jerry Falwell: MATTHEWS: How old...
Oil spill upgraded to 'Holy Fucking Shit!'
The Delaware River oil spill which was originally estimated to be a "minor" 30,000 gallons has now...
Amen, Sister Joan
It flew unnoticed under the radar in and amongst the frenzied post-election analysis of the so...
Pooty Poot: U.S. policies "dictatorial"
Our international reputation must be getting worse if a man who is actively consolidating power in...
Jerry Falwell admits Fox deception
Sort of. Filling in for right wing moral values shmendrick Joe Scarborough (who *cough* resigned...
Good poll, scary poll
Good poll: A new AP poll says 59% of Americans want Bush to nominate judges who will uphold Roe v...
Public radio reporter forced to resign
After receiving a gay-bashing spam e-mail from an ultra right organization, Rachel Buchman, a...
Gloryhole in Tuscaloosa
<img alt="allen_g.jpeg" src="; width="180" height="250"...