Operation Warp Peed -- [Explicit Content] The anti-vaxxers are drinking urine now. We debunk Bill...
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The Bob Cesca Show 1/6/22
Oozing Carbuncle -- [Explicit Content] Our 1/6 insurrection commemoration show. President Biden's...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Film Critic Zaki Hasan 1/5/22
Zaki Hasan -- [Explicit Language] Zaki is a “Top Critic” on Rotten Tomatoes, he's also political...
The Bob Cesca Show 1/4/22
Don't Look Up -- [Explicit Language] Happy New Year! We're back with all new shows for 2022...
Joe Manchin Says Maybe
After finally saying no, Senator Manchin is back with a list of demands.
The Bob Cesca Show 12/30/21
New Year's Eve Spectacular 2021 -- [Explicit Content] It's our second annual New Year's Eve...
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
Joe Manchin Says ‘No’
No one knows what to do next.
No End In Sight
We're inching toward 1 million coronavirus deaths.
The Bob Cesca Show 12/16/21
Doughy Pantload -- [Explicit Content] Our last regular show of 2021! Jody's dentist. David's porn...