Don't Whiz On The Electric Fence -- [Explicit Language] The Virginia gubernatorial election. Hello...
Latest Articles
Virus deaths cross 5 million, Modi commits to net zero, and most of the world looks down on us.
Conservative Justices Skeptical of Texas Abortion Law
For their own self-centered reasons.
Biden Ends Trump’s Trade War With Europe
Trump's trade war with Europe is effectively over now.
Indie Music Countdown (Rocktober 2021 Edition) 10/31/21
It's all the indie music we featured on the show during Rocktober 2021, each song aired in the same...
Cancel Culture
Facebook rebrands, British companies are going out of business, and Trump's revenue declines.
Trump’s Trade War With Europe Could End This Weekend
Biden's trip to Europe could result in a deal to cancel Trump's tariffs.
Democrats Finish ‘Rough Draft’ Of Reconciliation Bill
More importantly, the most liberal caucus has now endorsed a smaller bill.
The Bob Cesca Show 10/28/21
The Form Of The Destructor -- [Explicit Content] Happy Halloween! Jody as Lily Munster and the...
The White House details climate spending, the FDA votes for child vaccines, and passports go non...